“Attack on Titan” season 4, part 3 is the long-awaited final season of the popular anime series due to air in 2023. At the end of “Attack on Titan” Final Season Part 2, the Japanese TV channel reported the news on their official Twitter account.

“Attack on Titan” is set in a world where humanity has been forced to live behind walls to protect themselves from giant, man-eating Titans. When the Titans break through the walls, it’s up to the military to fight them off and protect the people. “Attack on Titan” is an action-packed, thrilling series that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

In this upcoming Part 3, dubbed “Final Arc” in Japan, Eren Jaeger and his friends must put an end to the Titans once and for all. With the help of their powerful weapons and fearless determination, they just might succeed. But whatever happens, it’s sure to be action-packed and unforgettable.

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According to Parrot Analytics, “Attack on Titans” has an audience demand that is “50.0 times the demand of the average TV series in the United States…”, which ranks it in the highest percentile in the animation genre. The demand for the series in the US is so high, in fact, that it even outpaces audience demand in Japan, its country of origin.

Related: How to Watch Attack on Titan in Order (Manga Series & Movies)

The following official teaser shows the remaining heroes that survived the Titan attack in Part 2.

“Attack on Titan” is one of the most popular anime series of all time, and its final season is sure to be a blockbuster event. With intense action, unforgettable characters, and a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat, “Attack on Titan” Final Season Part 3 is not to be missed.

Jimmy P

Senior Editor, BuddyTV