Contributing Writer, BuddyTV
Contributing Editor and Writer for Collider, BuddyTV, TV Fanatic, CliqueClack, and other publications. TV criticism, reviews, interviews with actors and producers, and other related content. Founder of TV Diehard.
Burn Notice
Interview with ‘Burn Notice’ Star Jeffrey Donovan: The Stakes Get Personal
Burn Notice returns tonight with a crazy, action-packed two hour mid-...
Nashville Abc
‘Nashville’ Preview ‘Move It on Over’: The Truth Hits Home
On Nashville, Juliette's life and career hit a snag when she was ...
American Horror Story
‘American Horror Story: Asylum’ Interview with Chloe Sevigny: What Horrors are Coming for Shelley?
Last Wednesday's American Horror Story: Asylum took a crazy turn with...
Hawaii Five 0
‘Hawai Five-0’ Recap: Satanic Goat Head
Due to Hurricane Sandy last week's Halloween episode of Hawaii Five-0...
Once Upon a Time
‘Once Upon a Time’ Recap: Who is the Mystery Man?
Once Upon a Time continues to amaze. With each question that the show...