Contributing Writer, BuddyTV
Contributing Editor and Writer for Collider, BuddyTV, TV Fanatic, CliqueClack, and other publications. TV criticism, reviews, interviews with actors and producers, and other related content. Founder of TV Diehard.
Hawaii Five 0
‘Hawaii Five-0’ Review: Betrayals
The Hawaii Five-0 task force was thrust back into an investigation after ...
Hawaii Five 0
‘Hawaii Five-0’ Season 3 Premiere Review: Task Force Deals with a Death
The Hawaii Five-0's cliffhangers from last May's finale were paid off...
‘Parenthood’ Season Premiere Review: The Braverman Cult
Oh, the Bravermans, how I have missed you! After a long hiatus...
Last Resort
Watch the ‘Last Resort’ Premiere Online Now
Imagine you are the captain of a nuclear submarine and you receive orders ...