Writer, BuddyTV
Originally from Seattle, Carla recently took a husband and moved to Austin, Texas, where she is finally using her television “problem” to her advantage. It’s sort of like Dexter, but boring and less murdering. Carla’s favorite shows include 30 Rock, The Amazing Race, Project Runway, Modern Family, anything with murder, and pretty much anything gross and weird (CSI, The Bachelor, Toddlers & Tiaras, etc.). Favorite canceled shows include: Arrested Development, Veronica Mars and Average Joe. In her spare time, Carla leads tours of downtown Austin on a Segway (don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!), blogs about Netflix Instant, and visits elementary schools telling children they don’t need math to succeed (just kidding, stay in school, kids).
Begin the Family Feud: ‘The Real Housewives of New Jersey’ Season 3 Premiere
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‘American Idol’ Results: A Shocking Final Three Revealed
Should we play a drinking game where we take a drink every time Ryan says &...
‘American Idol’ Predictions: Who Failed to Inspire?
Last night I learned a few things, and one was who the producers probably ...
‘American Idol’ Recap: The Top 4 Inspire, Then Have Fun
This week has largely been advertised as "Leiber & Stoller" ...
‘American Idol’ Takes on Lieber & Stoller: Song Suggestions for the Top 4
This week, the American Idol Final Four will be taking on songs from the ...