Contributing Writer, BuddyTV
Once Upon a Time
‘Once Upon a Time’ Recap: Will the Serum Really Destroy Hyde and the Evil Queen?
Adding the Land of the Untold Stories to Once Upon a Time is probably one ...
This Is Us
‘This Is Us’ Recap: How are William and Rebecca Connected?
New information gets revealed each week to explain just how and why ...
Once Upon a Time
‘Once Upon a Time’ Recap: Can Emma Regain Her Powers to Help an Old Friend?
I'm digging the "untold stories" storyline in season six of Once ...
Fear The Walking Dead
‘Fear the Walking Dead’ Season 2 Finale Recap: Does Travis Go Past the Point of No Return?
Of course, nothing good can ever stay the same on Fear the Walking Dead...
This Is Us
‘This Is Us’ Recap: Will Jack and Rebecca Work Through Their Issues?
I have to wonder if every episode of This Is Us will have a shocking ending...