Contributing Writer, BuddyTV
Fear The Walking Dead
‘Fear the Walking Dead’ Recap: How Will Travis Deal with His Decisions?
There's a lot of guilt on Fear the Walking Dead, and a lot of confusion and...
This Is Us
‘This Is Us’ Series Premiere Recap: How are the Characters’ Lives Intertwined?
According to Wikipedia, over 18 million people share the same birthday, but...
Fear The Walking Dead
‘Fear the Walking Dead’ Recap: Is the Colonia Compromised?
All good things must come to an end, especially on Fear the Walking Dead...
So You Think You Can Dance
‘So You Think You Can Dance’ Season 13 Finale Recap: And the Winner Is…
Another winner is crowned America's favorite dancer in the season 13 finale...
Fear The Walking Dead
‘Fear the Walking Dead’ Recap: Nick Blends in While His Family Fights to Survive
A hotel resort and spa seems like a great place to hunker down as the world...