The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is fun because A) it’s like playing with Barbies who hate each other and B) it’s all play money! So last night we got to attend two fabulous birthday parties for Taylor and Kyle’s daughters, ages 4 and 2. Let’s take a look back at the prices that flashed on our screens, and a few things that didn’t get a cost assigned to them (like an appearance from Giant Elmo).


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Barbie collection necklaces

$2,375 for 25 party favor necklaces

$1,650 for Kennedy’s sapphire necklace

$1,750 for Taylor’s yellow diamond necklace

Total: $5,775

Barbie, how could you?

RHBH Teacups.pngParty Planner Dana


Houdini Estate rental


Floral Arrangements (tea party flowers)


Sandwiches and Drinks


Party Set Design


Sub-total: $57,275

Other/un-documented costs: $2,725

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“Is this your diamond-encrusted wallet that you drunkenly dropped on the ground?”

“Why, yes it is!”

Taylor’s total cost: $60,000


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Party Planner Glenn

$3,000 (worth every penny)

Kids’ Food


Bounce House


Train Ride


Sub-total: $4,600

Other/un-documented costs: $7,400

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“Elmo just trying to make ends meet!”

Kyle’s total cost: $12,000

The kids hating their parties and/or not even knowing what was going on: priceless.

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“wtf is this?”

(images courtesy of Bravo)

Carla Patton

Writer, BuddyTV

Originally from Seattle, Carla recently took a husband and moved to Austin, Texas, where she is finally using her television “problem” to her advantage. It’s sort of like Dexter, but boring and less murdering. Carla’s favorite shows include 30 RockThe Amazing RaceProject RunwayModern Family, anything with murder, and pretty much anything gross and weird (CSIThe BachelorToddlers & Tiaras, etc.). Favorite canceled shows include: Arrested DevelopmentVeronica Mars and Average Joe. In her spare time, Carla leads tours of downtown Austin on a Segway (don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!), blogs about Netflix Instant, and visits elementary schools telling children they don’t need math to succeed (just kidding, stay in school, kids).