Is this the most important Power of Veto episode of the year?  Probably.  There is so much potential for Big Brother house combustion tonight that I can barely stand it.  Dan and Ollie’s deal will pop back into the fold in some way, shape or form, and the Memphis nomination will surely test the strength of the Dan-Keesha-Memphis-Renny alliance.  Will Dan have second thoughts about his deal?  I’m literally shaking with anticipation right now (although, I did just pound enough coffee to give a small child a seizure).  The ultimate outcome of Big Brother 10 will be greatly affected by the events of tonight’s episode.  For all you west coasters who will be pre-empted by the Democratic National Convention tonight, just follow along with the live thoughts – it’s pretty much exactly like watching the show, except I occasionally use big words. 

Dan’s lavender gloves during the HoH competition were pretty sweet.

“Replacement nominee Roulette?”  What the hell?  Dan is crazy like a fox. 

Did Dan tell Memphis that he would slag him verbally at the nomination ceremony?  I wonder. 

Ollie loves his position right now.  He thinks his hands are clean.  Memphis is not happy – he thinks Dan’s plan is crap. 

Right after the nomination ceremony, Dan and Memphis talk in the HoH room.  Dan tells Memphis to keep acting pissed.  He tells Memphis that he will definitely renege on his agreement to let Ollie choose the replacement nominee if the veto is used.  Memphis, seriously, trust this man.  You’ll be all right. 

Dan follows it up with a conversation with Keesha, who tells him that she doesn’t think it will work out like he thinks it will.  They realize that Ollie and Michelle have an alliance.  You didn’t know that already?  It’s an alliance of necessity. 

Renny continues to be against Memphis. 

Ollie then tells Jerry and Michelle that he gets to select the PoV replacement. 

Dan tells the houseguests to gather in the living room.  It’s time for America’s Vote.  One of the houseguests won a phone call from home – they’ll find out who wins tomorrow.  Michelle goes and cries.  I think this is a weird emotion – should just the possibility of getting a phone call from home make you cry?  I say not. 

The next day, the phone rings in the living room.  The phone call goes to Jerry.  His great-grandparents and grandparents are there, his whole family.  Jerry’s very emotional.  Michelle cries, quaint guitar music plays in the background.  Jerry cries, then thanks America.

Memphis, Dan and Keesha talk in the Head of Household.  They discuss whether Michelle would vote out Memphis.  They have no idea.  Memphis thinks the best case scenario this week is for Michelle to go home.  Dan agrees, and is prepared to nominate Michelle. 

Let’s pick some Power of Veto players.  Memphis, Dan, Ollie, Renny, Keesha and Michelle are the players.  Jerry got a choice, and chose Michelle.  Ollie is the default host.

Afterwards, Ollie speaks with Dan.  He wants to know if Dan will keep the PoV part of their deal.  He says he will.

The Power of Veto competition is Mars-themed.  The players are decked out in space suits.  There are two platforms on either side of a Mars-landscaped crevass.  The players have to go from either side of of the crevass using zip cords, grab a puzzle piece, take it back to the other side and eventually solve the puzzle.  There are two heats – winner of each heat faces off in a final battle. 

The first heat was between Keesha, Dan and Michelle.  Dan calls Michelle out in lacking brain power.  I chuckled.  Keesha gets the puzzle down pretty quick.  She destroys the competition, winning the first heat. 

The second heat pits Memphis, Jerry and Renny against each other.  Renny loves being in her space suit.

It’s Memphis and Keesha versus each other.  Shouldn’t Memphis let Keesha win here?  Wouldn’t that allow Dan to stay true to his deal with Ollie?  Keesha takes down Memphis, Ollie puts up Renny, Jerry goes home.

Memphis wins the Power of Veto.  He will take himself off.  Ollie still thinks that Dan will keep to his deal.  Ollie is dumb.

Dan informs Renny, Keesha and Memphis about the deal that he made, and how he intends to break said deal, and how he needs their back after the inevitable fall out. 

Ollie and Dan talk in the Head of Household room.  Ollie wants Keesha up.  Dan says that he’ll keep to his word, but tells the Diary Room that Ollie’s crazy if he thinks that Keesha is going up. 

Dan decides that, in order to take the heat off of him, he needs to play a game.  He’s going to ask everyone at the PoV ceremony who they want up as the replacement nominee.  He wants fireworks.  He gets Ollie to agree to say Renny, and he gets Renny to agree to say Ollie.  Michelle will say Keesha, Keesha will say Michelle.  I’m not sure what the point of this is, other than creating chaos.  We’ll see what Dan has in mind.

Memphis begins the PoV ceremony.  Memphis uses the Power of Veto on himself.  Dan must nominate someone else.  Speech time.  What does Dan have in store?

He says that they are going to play a high-stakes game, a game called “Replacement Nominee Roulette.”  Everyone has to say a person’s name, if they don’t say a person’s name, then you get nominated.  It goes as planned, then Dan just tells Ollie that he made a bet, and that it was a poor one.  It was a symbolic move.  Michelle is pissed, and thinks that Dan is a plant. 

Dan is getting a little arrogant, but let’s see what happens.  Ollie is incredibly pissed off. 

This is fun. 

Double eviction on Thursday.  Full recap later tonight.

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
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Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV