For the past four weeks, Big Brother 18 has been dominated by men. With the exception of Michelle’s OTEV win, the five remaining male HGs have won every HoH and PoV competition since Bridgette’s back-to-back wins in week 3. Did a woman finally win something again or did the men keep steamrolling the game?

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 18 spoilers.

Victor is the new HoH. He nominated Michelle and Zakiyah. Paulie, Nicole and James were picked to play.

Paulie won the Power of Veto!

Ugh, again? This is his third PoV, two in a row, and his fifth competition win overall. How is he not a target?

It was the Hide and Seek competition. The house is a mess and the feeds were down for over seven and a half hours. Apparently Paulie didn’t actually find a single one of the hidden Vetoes, but he won because his wasn’t found.

James and Natalie seem to think Paulie is going to use it on Zakiyah, so Victor will need to pick a replacement nominee. If he doesn’t, that would definitely show his cards. Paulie has been very vocal about wanting Michelle out this week, so odds are good that the replacement nominee won’t matter, especially since James can cancel two votes with his Care Package.

UPDATE: It seems Paulie is telling everyone (Paul, Victor, James, Nicole and Corey) that he’s NOT using the Power of Veto, but he still wants Michelle gone. He’s a little worried Zakiyah will be upset, but he doesn’t seem to care. Paul and Victor seem to prefer to keep Michelle while Nicole and Corey want to keep Zakiyah, and Paulie is in the middle of everything.


-Paulie is the 21st person to win two consecutive Power of Veto competitions. His brother Cody also did it.

-Paulie is the 17th person to win three PoV competitions in a single season. His brother Cody also did it too.

-Paulie is the 19th person to win five HoH/PoV comps in a single season. His brother Cody also did it as well.

-PP (Paul and Paulie) have won half of all the HoH/PoV competitions this season so far.

-Glenn is the only HG this year who never played in a PoV competition. Frank and Jozea are the only HGs who only played in one and everyone else played in at least two.

-The three seasons with the highest percentage of male HoH and PoV competition winners are seasons 12, 14 and 16. This year is likely going to crack that list, continuing the trend of male comp domination in even-numbered seasons.

(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.