Grey’s Anatomy is coming off an intense hour of television that saw one of its main characters perish.  To read about and discuss the episode, go here: Grey’s Anatomy – So, Who Died?

Next Thursday’s episode of Grey’s should be a doozy.  Entitled “Some Kind of Miracle”, it’s the final installment in a three episode arc that began last Thursday, and continued tonight.  They have a lot of stories to tie up in the wake of the ferry accident and I don’t know how they can even try to equal the  drama and intensity of the last two episodes.  I know Grey’s does a lot of bizarre medical stuff, but the power drill to the skull was a new one for me.  Anyway, spoilers for next week.  We have them.  And we reveal who dies, who lives, and little else. But the who dies thing is pretty major, right?

Spoilers below. 

A man, who waits for his wife who has been hit by a car, discusses with a woman named Carol, who is there for her father, about how doctors don’t keep family members much updated on the status of their sick loved ones. A young man named Lucas lies in a hospital bed after a car accident. Lucas can hear and comprehend what doctors tell him but they cannot understand a word coming out of his mouth. Source:

There is a death this week, there is another death next week, and one of those deaths will stick.  Meredith is the one who dies but will be revived and her mother will be the permanent death.  Source: Kristin on E!Online

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer


Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV