It’s almost a shame that someone has to win Dancing with the Stars season 14. They’re all so good! Alas, someone must win. And it’s time to predict who that will be!
The Case for Katherine Jenkins
Katherine is pretty, cheerful and seems to be incredibly nice. She’s the kind of celebrity with whom you’d like to eat ice cream and talk about boys. It’s pretty much impossible not to like Katherine Jenkins.
From week 1 of Dancing with the Stars season 14, Katherine has been the dancer to watch. She seemed to come out of nowhere to get the first 9s of the season. And then she got more 9s. Plus some 10s. Katherine’s dancing is beautiful and she has the scores to prove it — Katherine Jenkins and Mark Ballas have topped the overall DWTS leader board all season.
This is a tough call. Most of us hadn’t heard of Katherine Jenkins before she started dancing. And opera is hardly a background likely to get viewers excited. On the other hand, Katherine has always had enough votes to carry her through. There might be a lot of support there.
The Case for William Levy
Um, have you looked at the man? William Levy is pretty much the definition of sexy. He uses it well. It doesn’t hurt that William seems to be pleasant and has a killer backstory for the sympathy vote.
Surprisingly, looks aren’t everything with William. While he is probably not the best dancer in the finals, the man’s scores have been high throughout the competition. He has gotten perfect scores for dancing — that can’t all be about the looks. There have been a few stumbles, but William has, overall, earned that finale berth.
Surely all those screaming girls in the ballroom have at-home counterparts… Volume indicates that there is no one more popular than William Levy on Dancing with the Stars season 14. But who are the quiet voters choosing?
The Case for Donald Driver
Donald is handsome, very masculine and a star football player. Unceasingly courteous and always ready with a smile, he seems like the kind of guy that’s just nice to have around. His ridiculously adorable children don’t hurt his appeal either.
While rarely at the top, Donald has been one of the most solid dancers throughout the competition. You would be hard-pressed to find a bad performance from the man, and some of his best dances are amazing. Donald Driver also has the most athleticism of the celebrities in the finals — just think of the freestyle tricks!
Donald plays football and has won the Super Bowl. Thus, he is probably better-known than the other two. He hasn’t given us anything to hate, so lots of viewers probably like him.
What Will Come of This?
Honestly, I don’t really know. I think all three Dancing with the Stars season 14 finalists have a good — and legitimate — shot at the Mirror Ball Trophy. A lot is going to depend on those final dances.
And because of that, my picks simply reflect the current leader board standings:
1st Place — Katherine Jenkins and Mark Ballas
2nd Place — William Levy and Cheryl Burke
3rd Place — Donald Driver and Peta Murgatroyd
Who do you think will win Dancing with the Stars season 14? Who do you want to win? What is the most important factor in winning this season? Leave your comments below!
(Images courtesy of ABC)
Senior Writer, BuddyTV
Laurel grew up in Mamaroneck, NY, Grosse Pointe, MI and Bellevue WA. She then went on to live in places like Boston, Tucson, Houston, Wales, Tanzania, Prince Edward Island and New York City before heading back to Seattle. Ever since early childhood, when she became addicted to The Muppet Show, Laurel has watched far too much TV. Current favorites include Chuck, Modern Family, Supernatural, Mad Men and Community. Laurel received a BA in Astrophysics (yes, that is possible) from Colgate University and a PhD in Middle Eastern Studies and History of Science from Columbia University before she realized that television is much better than studying.