Seems like I’m not the only one who was upset and left scratching their head after the elimination of Channing Cooke last night. Not only are you guys outraged and confused in our comments and twitter, so are Channing’s fellow season 6 dancers.
After her elimination the dancers of season 6 took to their Twitters to share their love for Channing, while new permanent judge Adam Shankman took to the Twitter to defend the judge’s elimination. Take a look for yourself:
Channing’s partner Victor Tweeted:
Last week’s eliminated dancers, Pauline Mata and Peter Sabasino show their support:
Billy Bell wants Channing to get on a plane STAT:
Noelle is grateful, but missing Channing:
Choreographer Lil C loved Channing’s solo:
If his Tweet is any indication, it seems like Jakob Karr took Channing’s elimination the hardest:
Lastly, Adam Shanman swears last night’s elimination was kosher and had nothing to do about sex selling tour tickets:I’m most apt to agree with Billy Bell’s 140 character take, Channing deserved so much more than she got with last night’s elimination.
–Abbey Simmons, BuddyTV Staff Writer
(Image Courtesy of FOX)
Contributing Writer, BuddyTV