While helping a husband and wife realize that maybe killing each other wasn’t the best way to save their marriage, Reese and Finch also found the time to share a few funny and poignant moments as friends. Check out the best bromance moments in “Til Death.”

#7 "John, are you there?!"


Reese: “I’m okay, Finch.”

Finch’s note of panic, and Reese’s quiet reassurance made me smile.

#6 "Thank you for appreciating my descent into deviant behavior."

Reese: “I’m proud of you, Finch. You’ve really gotten comfortable with your breaking-and-entering duties.”

Finch: “Thank you for appreciating my descent into deviant behavior.”

#5 "That’s pretty mercenary of you, Finch. I kind of like it."

Finch: “You know, Mr. Reese, it did occur to me we could leave the Drakes to their own devices.”

Reese: “That’s pretty mercenary of you, Finch. I kind of like it.”

#4 "Why not just dangle them off the roof….?"

Carter: “Why not just dangle them off the roof and force them to tell us how to find the hit men?”

Finch: “While John would probably enjoy that option, it would be a temporary solution.”

#3 "I’ve already eaten, Mr. Reese, thank you."


Reese: “Who said it was for you?”

#2 "And where do I get an active card?"


Finch: “I can’t do everything, Mr. Reese.”

Just like an old married couple. Gotta love it.

#1 "I suppose anything is worthwhile when life gives you a second chance to be with the one you love."


Not one of their usual quips, but I thought it was a great moment of them almost-sharing.

Michelle Carlbert

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV