The animated series, Futurama, is slated to return on the small screen early next year, and supervising director Rich Moore is hoping that the upcoming DVD movies will be enough to get more viewers to tune in the show the second time around.

“I think the idea is to capture new fans,” Moore said of their intentions with the Futurama movies, adding that the first one, Futurama: Bender’s Big Score, has “lots of action” and “great Bender Zoidberg moments.”  He also promised that although the movies will revolve around the old characters, it will still be accessible to viewers who are not so familiar with the show.

Futurama: Bender’s Big Score will be released on November 27, followed by three more titles, The Beast with a Million Backs, Bender’s Game, and The Wild Green Yonder.  All four movies will be re-cut into television episodes, which will air on Comedy Central.

“Each movie’s going to be divided into four parts.  It’s not going to be just cut, cut, cut,” Moore told at the 2007 Comic-Con.  “They’re going to try and edit them into separate pieces of a story.

“It’s written in a way so that we can, like, move the third act [of one movie into an earlier part of an episode].  We’ll tell Fry’s story in one episode.  We’ll tell Bender’s story in one episode,” he continued.

Moore also said that should they succeed in drawing more viewers and selling the DVDs, there is a good chance the network will order more episodes and movies.

“I personally think Futurama would make a great theatrical release.  It just lends itself to the big screen,” Moore said.

Similar to the last aired Futurama episode, “The Devil’s Hand are Idle Playthings,” Moore admitted that the fourth and final movie also provides a sense of closure for the whole series.

“It does have some closure.  When I read “The Devil’s Hands are Idle Playthings” script, I was like, ‘You know what, this really reeks of the end.  The last show of the series.’  And they did that on purpose, because they knew we might not be renewed.  And the last DVD movie does have a little bit of that,” Moore said.

-Lisa Claustro, BuddyTV Staff Columnist

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Staff Columnist, BuddyTV