Tim McGraw, sir, you are going bald.  It’s OK.  No one will judge you.  You’re famous already, you have a hot wife and you have a loyal fan base.  The skull cap is unnecessary.  Embrace it, Tim.  Be one with your hairline. Everything will be OK.  Stop fighting the inevitable.

Now that I have that off my chest (and this had been festering since Saturday night), we can move on to the Saturday Night Live festivities of this past weekend.  The aforementioned country star Tim McGraw was the host, with musical guests Ludacris and T-Pain, featuring T-Pain’s grill.  It was the last episode for a couple of weeks, and I thought it was better than average, with mostly funny skits across the board.

See Also:
Ten Best ‘Saturday Night Live’ Sketches of the Political Season
Saturday Night Live: Analyzing Sarah Palin’s Appearance
Saturday Night Live: Best Tina Fey Clips on ‘SNL’

There’s a tendency from the general public to always complain about Saturday Night Live.  With longevity and success comes unmitigated skepticism.  People want the show to be bad, and it can be a tad bit bothersome.  There is no other show out there like SNL, at least not now, and for comedy whores like me, it’s a pleasure to watch every new episode of the series.  And, this cast is turning into a darn good one.  Bill Hader got some more air time than usual, and that’s always a plus.  Two of the new cast members performed quite well also – Michaela Watkins does one hell of an Arianna Huffington, and Bobby Moynihan continued to show a ton of promise with his weird bartender guy. 

The James Bond sketch was quite good, and Blizzard Man is a guilty pleasure.  Overall, there weren’t any skits I didn’t like, which is a rare thing for SNL.  Well – the Turkey Day was pretty weird, but I always appreciate such weirdness, even if it’s not terribly laugh inducing. 

Here’s the Huffington piece from Weekend Update:

Weekend Update: Arianna Huffington

And, the great Bill Hader hosting Dateline in a very perverse manner:


What are your guys’ thoughts?  Good episode?  Bad episode?  I’m liking the potential of the new cast members.  We still haven’t seen Abby Elliott do anything of merit, but that’s typical.  She’s definitely cute, though.

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image Courtesy of NBC)

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV