We all know that The Real Housewives of Atlanta is all about the women (the Housewives). This week, however, it seemed to be all about how the women reacted to things men did, or the men in their lives. Here are the Top 10 Men of Atlanta who stirred the pot.
#10 Whoever is not doing KandiFor someone who claims celibacy, she sure is obsessed with sex! “Kandi Koated Nights” got a little insane this week with all the women talking about their “freak number.” Do we even want to know Kandi’s freak number? Or who will be the recipient of a sex-crazed explosion when the decides to give up celibacy?
#9 Mr. LusciousHe rules Atlanta with fear and a mesh thong.
#8 Brielle’s BoyfriendWhat is happening in Brielle’s 13-year old life that made her decide to get an abstinence ring? Was it Brielle’s boyfriend, peer pressure, or the need for a new diamond?
#7 Kroy Bierman
The latest news is that Kim and Kroy Bierman are engaged, according to Radar Online. And they’re probably selling the naming rights to the baby as we speak. In about 6 months we can expect the birth of little UsWeekly Bierman, or Bluefly.com Zolciak-Bierman, and possibly a spinoff series centering around Kim’s pregnancy and the wedding. Still it doesn’t seem like Kroy has quite entered the scene on the show yet, as Kim just decided to date other people and that she wouldn’t mind having another baby on the most recent episode.
#6 Kai the StylistWhat was going on in this scene? Who is this guy and why does he barely raise his voice above a whisper? Whoever he is, it’s clear that neither Peter nor Cynthia is planning their wedding. Also, according to Atlanta locals, this fabulous place where they want to have the wedding, “Fernbank,” is the science center. More Kai, please!
#5 LawrenceLawrence loves to gossip and stir the pot, so it was no surprise that he brought up Gregg’s radio non-interview when he and Sheree were working out. He also convinced Sheree that it was time to break it off with Tiy-E. Hear, hear.
#4 Ayden AdonisYup, that’s the name of Phaedra’s new inconvenience baby. Apollo wants to call him Adonis (of course) and Phaedra is sticking with Ayden, because “everyone likes the name Ayden.” Especially Sex and the City fans, but Phaedra probably doesn’t know about that because it’s a show for white people to watch while they eat food out of cans.
#3 ApolloI’m just not buying that Apollo “has to” carry Phaedra around everywhere, or that she can’t lift her own baby. Also, they left their newborn baby in the car so Apollo could carry Phaedra up the stairs and go back. He’s really good at being passive, but how long can he tolerate crazy?
#2 “Dr.” Tiy-EOh the insanity! Is it just me or was this one of the strangest interactions we’ve witnessed on this show (next to Kai the stylist giving the wedding planner the wedding details he’d decided on)? It just got weirder and weirder, and ended with Tiy-E waving his credentials (dry cleaning ticket?) in front of Sheree’s face and asking her to prove that she’s a woman. What?? A sarcastic handshake and goodbye ended the relationship and Tiy-E’s run on the show. Good riddance!
#1 GreggEvery once in a while, The Real Housewives of Atlanta gets real, and NeNe’s fight with Gregg was all too real. I’d feel sorry for her, but it’s clear the woman can take care of herself and put Gregg in his place. She was so clear, so firm and collected. Gregg was no match.
(images courtesy of Bravo)
Writer, BuddyTV
Originally from Seattle, Carla recently took a husband and moved to Austin, Texas, where she is finally using her television “problem” to her advantage. It’s sort of like Dexter, but boring and less murdering. Carla’s favorite shows include 30 Rock, The Amazing Race, Project Runway, Modern Family, anything with murder, and pretty much anything gross and weird (CSI, The Bachelor, Toddlers & Tiaras, etc.). Favorite canceled shows include: Arrested Development, Veronica Mars and Average Joe. In her spare time, Carla leads tours of downtown Austin on a Segway (don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!), blogs about Netflix Instant, and visits elementary schools telling children they don’t need math to succeed (just kidding, stay in school, kids).