American Idol
‘American Idol’ Top 4 Predictions: Is Kree Harrison in Danger of Being Eliminated?
Last night's American Idol proved two things to us. One, that FOX really ...
American Idol
Did ‘American Idol’ Try to Replace Mariah Carey with Jennifer Lopez?
Hiring one of the biggest music superstars in the world should be enough ...
American Idol
‘American Idol’ Prediction: Does a Contestant’s Hometown Determine Who Wins?
American Idol has been on the air for 12 seasons now. The purpose of this ...
American Idol
‘American Idol’ Top 5 Predictions: Why No One is Going Home
Every single male contestant is gone, including He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named...
American Idol
‘American Idol’ Recap: A Top 5 Waste of Time?
If ever there was a throwaway week on American Idol, this is it. Sure, we'...