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America's Next Top Model

Interview with ‘Top Model’ All-Star Kayla Ferrel: My Branding Word ‘Free’ Led to My Demise

  • November 2, 2011
  • Meghan Carlson

As a spunky redhead with an inspiring backstory, a worthy goal (to become ...

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America's Next Top Model

‘America’s Next Top Model: All-Stars’ Recap: The Girls Go Viral, and We’re All Infected

  • November 2, 2011
  • Meghan Carlson

Before tonight's episode even began, my patience for this season of ...

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America's Next Top Model

Interview with ‘Top Model’ All-Star Bre Scullark: I Got the Closure I Needed

  • October 21, 2011
  • Meghan Carlson

When America's Next Top Model: All-Stars began, most people remembered Bre...

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America's Next Top Model

‘America’s Next Top Model’ Cycle 18 Rumored to be ‘US Vs. UK’: Has Tyra Gone Bloody Mad?

  • October 11, 2011
  • Meghan Carlson

(You're right, that headline is misleading. We all know Tyra's been mad ...

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America's Next Top Model

These ‘Once Upon a Time’ Promo Photos Look Strangely Familiar…

  • October 4, 2011
  • Meghan Carlson

Once Upon a Time is ABC's upcoming fantasy series about the dual realities...

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