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So You Think You Can Dance

So You Think You Can Dance: Chatting with Kupono

  • July 20, 2009
  • Abbey Simmons

During his time on So You Think You Can Dance Kupono Aweau impressed and ...

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So You Think You Can Dance

So You Think You Can Dance: Chatting with Randi Evans

  • July 17, 2009
  • Abbey Simmons

During her time on So You Think You Can Dance Randi Evans wowed the judges...

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So You Think You Can Dance

So You Think You Can Dance: The Day the Stars Aligned For Jason Glover

  • July 16, 2009
  • Henrik Batallones

Here's an admission: I have written Jason Glover off my list over the week...

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So You Think You Can Dance

So You Think You Can Dance: The Top 10, Who’s Going Home?

  • July 16, 2009
  • Abbey Simmons

Here we are at the halfway mark folks! It's finally shaping up to be the ...

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So You Think You Can Dance

So You Think You Can Dance: Top 10 Results Show, Live Thoughts

  • July 16, 2009
  • Abbey Simmons

It's Thursday, so you all know what that means: my stomach is in knots ...

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