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Supernatural: Season 3 Finale Preview Videos

  • May 13, 2008
  • Don Williams

Like most fans, I find myself feeling both excited and scared as we move ...

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Supernatural: Let’s Make a Deal

  • May 12, 2008
  • Don Williams

Making a deal with a demon never seems to end well, but that doesn't  ...

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Supernatural: Episode 3.15 “Time is On My Side” Recap

  • May 8, 2008
  • John Kubicek

Previously on Supernatural: A crocotta played a mean trick on Dean, making...

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Exclusive ‘Supernatural’ Video: Behind-the-Scenes of “Long-Distance Call”

  • May 2, 2008
  • John Kubicek

I'm not objective about last night's episode of Supernatural. I know many ...

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Jensen and Jared Filming a Scene from “Long-Distance Call”

  • May 2, 2008
  • Buddy TV

This was a long scene. A very long scene. According to Jensen, it’s one ...

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