The folks at Fox are giving us folks a chance to meet the Glee cast.  Got your attention?  Good.

They’re running what they call the “Gleek Sweepstakes”.  No purchase is required: just register online, at, and you get a chance to win shirts, hats, and autographed photos.  I wonder how they look.  I haven’t any idea.

But the grand prize winner will win a trip for four to Los Angeles, where you and your friends (and hopefully fellow gleeks) will have dinner with the Glee cast.  Imagine that: you get to talk with those folks.  Ask Kurt about his fashion sense, ask Mercedes to sing, ask Rachel about her really high socks…

…I always wondered about her really high socks.  You noticed she always wears those?

Anyway, registration is open for everyone who’s 15 and up (unless you’re in Maine, where you have to be 18 and up) until September 24.  The draw happens four days after, and if you get a letter from them at the end of the month, you win.

There’s also the “Biggest Gleek” mini-competition.  You register online, at the same website, and then use your Twitter, MySpace, or Facebook accounts to play along.  The idea’s simple: you earn points by mentioning Glee on your status messages or tweets, inviting friends to join the competition, and whatever else they have you to do.

In other words, viral marketing, but it gives you a chance to prove that you’re gleekier (if I can invent such a term) than your friends.  For instance, I say I’m gleekier than my friends by pointing out those high socks.  And it’s fun, I guess, gleeking out.

And then we’ll all watch a new episode of Glee on September 9, or the director’s cut of the pilot on September 2.  Yaaaay, high socks.

– Henrik Batallones, BuddyTV Staff Columnist

(Image courtesy of Fox)

Henrik Batallones

Staff Writer, BuddyTV